Model teacher feature, a great inspiration to all
THE EDITOR: I was quite delighted to read your feature article (dated 7/12/05) on the model teacher, Mrs Joy Griffith, who currently teaches at the Miracle Ministries Pentecostal High School. Obviously, the article would have been published in the context of your newspaper’s policy of balanced reporting, giving due prominence to positives. This is beautiful. It was very reassuring to see that we still have teachers in the system who are willing to go way beyond the call of duty and the dollars-and-cents limitations. Mrs Griffith’s perspective on teaching as "a divine call" has led her to be absent from duty a mere one day per year, for the past four years. Further, the model teacher turns an eight-hour day (really six and a half for high school teachers) into a twelve-hour work day. She must be a tremendous asset in her capacity as Vice Principal, and an invaluable asset to her colleagues on her staff. Via the good services of your paper, Griffith’s noble example can now serve as a great inspiration to all teachers — and aspiring ones — in TT and beyond. Keep up your worthy work. GLORIA SARRAN Retired teacher Princes Town
"Model teacher feature, a great inspiration to all"