TSTT sensitive to people’s needs
THE EDITOR: Please permit me the opportunity to correct some information published in an article in your newspaper on November 28, 2005 tiled "Street mobility and use of the white cane." The article alleges that TSTT is responsible for a "steel box" located on Henry Street, Port-of-Spain that hinders persons with impaired vision from walking freely along the street. Please note that TSTT is not responsible for this "steel box" to which the author of this article refers. Our investigations into the matter have revealed that this "box" is the base of a traffic light that either was set up there in the past or will be in the future. I would like to take this opportunity to express to you and by extension PAVI (Persons Associated with Visual Impairment) and the public that TSTT is sensitive to the needs of the differently-abled and continue to work with various stakeholders to determine how best we can serve them. Just last Tuesday (December 6, 2005) we were pleased to present the Blind Welfare Association with several hundred Braille copies of emergency numbers and TSTT’s customer service numbers. I hope that this information will be passed on to the author of the afore-mentioned article and published in your newspaper accordingly. CAMILLE SALANDY Manager, Corporate Communications TSTT
"TSTT sensitive to people’s needs"