We are behind you Mr Manning!

THE EDITOR: I would like Prime Minister Patrick Manning to know that we, the peace-loving, middle-class, educated, decent people of Trinidad and Tobago are 100 percent behind him.

Mr Manning — you have displayed the traits of a true leader. You are strong and courageous and not easily distracted by the senseless criticism and stupidity of people who do not have the best interest of Trinidad and Tobago at heart. I especially admire the fact that you are always hard at work, moving this nation forward. When Panday was in power, there was a picture of him playing golf in Tobago in every Monday newspaper. I have never seen a vacation picture of Mr Manning. Mr Manning must also be praised for appointing young, bright people, as well as people who have a great wealth of experience to his team. A leader of Mr Manning’s calibre has the necessary qualities for moving Trinidad and Tobago to Vision 2020 — a commitment to introducing new and more effective ways of managing the country’s affairs.

I hope that someday Mr Panday will take a page out of Mr Manning’s book. Mr Panday must understand that racial division, screaming in the streets, idle threats, shouting and frothing at the mouth are “long time” ways of leadership — that is leadership from “behind.” Panday should try something new — co-operation, nation building, diplomacy and peace. These are the traits of leadership from “in front” — the way to get things done in the 21st century. Thank you Mr Manning for leading from “in front.” We are behind you — all the way to 2020.



"We are behind you Mr Manning!"

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