These raging storms attack with full force. They affect us emotionally, physically, psychologically, economically and spiritually. While we may have escaped the wrath of Ivan, we are still faced with the storms of crime, drugs, poverty, dysfunctional families and other social ills...But there is hope. As we witness the ravages in so many countries, by one of the worst hurricane seasons in history, I can’t help but consider the striking similitude between these storms and the storms of the issues and challenges of life. The nature of the storm is such that the winds and the rains pound ferociously upon established structures, resulting in damage and destruction. As torrential rains continue, low lying areas that are without adequate drainage, flood. Unsecured objects go adrift.

In a similar way, the “rains and winds” of the storms of life pound fiercely upon us, as we endeavour to proceed along life’s journey. Many of these storms come without warning. There is the marital storm that can wreak havoc in the home, packing winds of mistrust, abuse and infidelity. There is the financial storm that can leave one drenched with frustration or even greed and envy. The emotional and psychological storms affect one’s reasoning, and stability of mind and may cause victims to drift into a state of depression that can possibly lead to a suicidal end. Every element of the storm can be very devastating. Most times though, the wind causes the most destruction: uprooting trees, detaching roofs, the felling of utility poles and the violent movement of debris. This unseen element makes its presence felt in a horrendous way. It controls, manipulates and forcefully overwhelms that which is seen. An entire community, which took many long years to be built and developed, can be brought to ruin in just a few short minutes, by violent, tumultuous winds. The formidable power of the invisible!

Similarly, in our lives, the invisible is more powerful than the visible. There is a positive, invisible power called faith, that can control and forcefully overwhelm that which is visible and tangible, in life’s affairs. The same applies to the unseen Holy Spirit when we allow Him to work in our lives. The unseen or spirit world — good or evil —really controls the visible, tangible world of man. The Bible teaches us that faith, is the substance of things hoped for, and the evidence of things not seen (Heb 11:1). We also understand that “things that are now visible were created by things that are not visible” (Heb 11:3). One of the most devastating effects of a storm come not because of the storm itself, but rather, the complacency of people. Despite the meteorological warnings, many persons are still caught off guard. They simply take safety for granted. This is a part of our lackadaisical, laissez-faire, procrastinating culture.

We wait until the very last moment before we act — if we act at all! Then, like fish out of water, we frantically rush to take steps that would have been a million times easier, had we acted earlier. Slack attitudes in storm can easily lead to destruction — self-inflicted destruction. This usually happens when people treat with contempt the old adage of wisdom: “To be forewarned, is to be forearmed.” A gentleman flirts with a girl in the office and continually makes alluring gestures of a provocative nature. She bites the bait and gives into his advances. Despite the numerous warnings about STDs she accepts her prize, only to realise a few months down the road, that she was caught in the eye of a storm — AIDS! Preparation for a storm should be proactive by nature. The greatest teacher that ever lived, Jesus Christ, in teaching about storm preparation, said that a wise man builds his house upon a rock. “When the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house, it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock. But a foolish man built his house upon the sand: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it” (Matt 7:24-27).

In his lifetime, Jesus demonstrated awesome authority over the storms of life (Mark 4:39). He showed us that we too can overcome these storms as long as we remained firmly aligned to his principles. Once he is in our boat, we can weather any storm. For those of us who have a relationship with Christ, we have an added advantage. There is a direct link to the “Central Meteorological Office.” God gives us a “tip off” when a storm is coming and shows us how we can prepare for it. He tells us where the emergency shelter is and when we must evacuate. This guidance is invaluable. Christ will say to your storm, “Peace be still!” (Mark 4:39). He is the shelter in your time of storm!



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