FIFA beefs up security for play-off
FIFA, the world’s governing body for football, will be sending nine persons to supervise Saturday’s World Cup play-off match between Trinidad and Tobago and Bahrain at the Hasely Crawford Stadium, Mucurapo. This news was revealed by Jack Austin Warner, FIFA vice-president and special adviser to the Trinidad and Tobago Football Federation (TTFF) in an interview with WMJX 100.5 FM Radio yesterday. "For the first time, FIFA is sending nine persons to supervise this match, from as far as Chile in the south to Finland in the north," said Warner. "FIFA has taken officials from worldwide to supervise this match and we owe it to FIFA, moreso to our country, to ensure that everything is in place, especially our security." Warner also praised the efforts taken by United National Congress Senator Roy Augustus and TTFF vice-president Raymond Tim Kee to ensure that the security arrangements follow the world body’s guidelines. "They have had solid meetings with the police, with the army, with the cadets, with the fire officials and I want to commend all of them who, in a real sense, have put their heads together to ensure that the security is top class," Warner stated. Similar to the CONCACAF World Cup Final Round qualifier between Trinidad and Tobago and Mexico here on October 12, there is the likelihood that no parking of vehicles will allowed in the vicinity of the Hasely Crawford Stadium. "We have gotten PTSC again to confirm once more a shuttle service from King George V Park (in St Clair)," he disclosed. "But we also have gotten NIPDEC carpark as well (on Edward Street) where patrons can now park their cars," he said. "We’ve gotten permission from the police for the buses to remain on Wrightson Road so that people can be transported after the match. "In the course of the next day or two, various persons in the football fraternity would be advising the public through the media of what the arrangements are for the match on Saturday," he said.
"FIFA beefs up security for play-off"