Doping clouds tipsters’ contest results

The 2005 Arima Race Club Tipsters Competition was decided on December 27 last or was it?  At the end of that day, “Earl J” of the Express was the narrow winner of the competition in the Wins Category. He had 134 wins compared with 133 wins for Knowledge and Mechanic who tied for second.  The official result of the competition and distribution of prizes has not yet taken place and so the results can only be considered as provisional. However an air of controversy has clouded the results since it has been revealed that Traviata, a winner on Day 37, was disqualified after a positive dope sample.

This matter requires attention from the racing authorities because Traviata was the nap of Earl J on Day 37 and the positive dope result and the subsequent disqualification of the mare raises the issue about whether the win should be deducted from his total wins. Traviata was ridden by Joshua Stephen and it stands to reason that had he beaten Wilmer Galviz in a photofinish, this disqualification would cost him one of his season wins. Natural justice requires that the win be deducted from the total with the consequence that the “Wins” title would have to be shared between Earl J, Knowledge and Mechanic. No other result would be fair to all involved and for the integrity of the sport. We are certain, that Earl J would agree with this.


"Doping clouds tipsters’ contest results"

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