The booing was all staged

The Editor: I did not attend the recent rally held by some of the members of the Executive of the United National Congress this past weekend. However, I watched some of it on television and read the newspapers. Although I am not of East Indian extraction I have supported the UNC in the past. I cannot now say that I will support this party in the future.

The "thousands" of supporters there were "bused" in from some of the constituencies where large sums of monies were distributed to local leaders. But we must remember that those that attended the rally were supporters of Ramesh, and Panday. This crowd does not reflect the views of the supporters of the party. To form a government the UNC must garner over three hundred thousand votes. This twenty thousand or so gathered at the Mid-Centre mall is enought for one constituency.

The purpose then of this letter is to tell the nation that those people who booed our Political Leader went there to do exactly that. These persons were specifically set in front of the crowd by the instructions of local "workers." My grandson worked the cameras for a local company (unnamed) and actually witnessed three men moving through the crowd and working them to shout down the Political Leader. Mr Panday and his sidekick Jack should investigate this if they are truly concerned about unity.

However their views and action does not reflect the cumulative view of the nation against Mr Dookeran. The UNC cannot win an election in its present condition. Further, the UNC will not and cannot win government without Winston Dookeran.

And since Mr Panday has alleged that the writers to the Editor in the newspapers do no actually exist, then I sugest that Mr Panday contact me at

Roger Fernandes

San Juan


"The booing was all staged"

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