Lequay yet to meet Murray

NEWLY elected president of the Trinidad and Tobago Cricket Board Deryck Murray is yet to meet with former Chief Executive Officer Alloy Lequay to effect a smooth transition at the National Cricket Centre at Balmain in Couva.   

Lequay who presided over the affairs of the TTCB as president and then CEO for over four and a half decades officially retired on Monday.

But the new administration, dominated by "Friends of Cricket" representatives headed by Murray has been keen to meet with Lequay following their victory on Saturday.

Yesterday new general-secreatry of the Cricket Board, Forbes Persaud confirmed that they have been trying without success to contact the 81-year-old Lequay.

"We spent all day on Monday at the Cricket Centre and myself and Deryck were there again yesterday but we are yet to meet with Lequay, Persad said yesterday. On Monday the new executive met in an all-day session and discussed in a general way the state of the game and the way forward. However no concrete decisions were made said Persaud.

And yesterday Persaud and Murray were again at Balmain and met with Ellis Lewis, the former president who did not stand for re-election, deferring to Dudnath Ramkessoon who was defeated 25-19 in the race for the TTCB presidency.

"Deryck and Lewis spoke and had a very cordial discussion but I can’t say what about as they met privately," said Persad, who was recently elected unopposed the president of the Secondary Schools Cricket League.

However the highly anticipated meeting with Lequay which has not materialised to date has left a shadow on the new administration’s effort to put their new plans into action.

Persaud said the meeting with Lequay is being regarded as very important.

"He is the person in the best position to answer any queries we may have and to hand over any information that may be important to the running of the organisation. After all he literally ran the day to day affairs of the Cricket Board for many, many years," said Persaud yesterday. Persad said he was disappointed that Lequay was reluctant to meet with the new president even in an informal way since he still had much to offer despite his retirement.

"He is very experienced and will have much advice on the way forward for cricket since before Deryck he has been the only president and CEO of the Cricket Board," said Persaud.

The new general-secretary said that although the meeting with Lequay will not significantly affect the transition, he was hoping that the veteran administrator would show up as a matter of courtesy. Persaud praised the administrative staff at the Cricket Centre headed by Rambhai Patel who he said has been very co-operative in helping the new administration find their way into office.

"The staff at the Cricket Centre has been extremely helpful to us including Rambhai. We have had no difficult in any way," Persaud said.


"Lequay yet to meet Murray"

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