Canadian firm sued for $14M

A Canadian company is being sued in the local courts for $14 million arising out of works performed at the billion dollar Train IV Atlantic LNG plant in Point Fortin. Yesterday, Justice Carlton Best, presiding in the San Fernando High Court, began the trial of a lawsuit filed by Point Fortin-based WE Whiteman and Company (1977) Ltd against Cliff and Associates of North York, Ontario, Canada. Whiteman is one of the sub-contractors on the project, having constructed the foundation for the plant and its administration building. Bechtel, the main contractor of Atlantic LNG Train IV, is agent in Trinidad for Cliff and Associates, a company also involved in works at the plant.

In its lawsuit, Whiteman claims it was contracted to perform the foundation works and to submit estimates to Cliff and Associates for payment. Whiteman stated that it arranged for bank overdrafts as well as credits from manufacturers and suppliers of materials. It also sub-contracted several parts of the work to other sub-contractors. Justice Best, presiding in the Second Civil Court, heard from Whiteman’s attorney Khemraj Harrikissoon that on completion of each section of the work, Whiteman submitted its invoices and estimates. They were submitted to Bechtel International Inc, which is Cliff and Associates’ agent in Trinidad. Bechtel’s registered office is 12 Concorde Place, Suite 200, North York, Ontario, Canada. But Whiteman is contending in court documents filed in the Sub-Registry, San Fernando, that Cliff and Associates, through its agent Bechtel, allegedly pressured the company (Whiteman) to accept lesser sums of payment.

“At all material times, the defendant, through its agent Bechtel International Inc, pressured the plaintiff  “Whiteman,” to accept the lesser sum or get no monies at all,” the company stated in its lawsuit. Whiteman is contending that due to its financial commitments to banks and contractors, it accepted lesser payments. But the company has stated that it did not accept the lesser sums as final and full payment. Attorney Peter Rajkumar of Hamel Smith and Company is representing Cliff and Associates, while Harrikissoon and Company is appearing for Whiteman. The trial continues today.


"Canadian firm sued for $14M"

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