Father killed in front son, 3

IN AN opening address yesterday, a State prosecutor told a jury in a murder trial that a 33 year-old man was shot and killed in front of his three-year-old son. Mario Cobus was shot in the neck and was pronounced dead later that night. Cobus was shot in front of his girlfriend Anastasia Gilford and their three-year-old son in Laventille. Wendell Dubarry 27, also known as Bullen, of Mc Shine Lands, Laventille, is before Madame Justice Alice Yorke-Soo Hon in the Port-of-Spain Third Criminal Court charged with the murder of Mario Cobus on July 27, 2001 at Laventille Road, East Dry River, Port-of-Spain.

A 12-member jury and three alternates were chosen yesterday to hear the evidence. State attorneys Jennifer Martin and Nalini Singh are prosecuting, while Ian Brooks represents the accused. Hearing resumes this morning. In outlining the case to the jury yesterday, Martin said that on the day in question, Cobus was sitting on a railing at the side of Laventille Road facing his girlfriend Anastasia Gilford. Cobus’ back was facing the road. Martin said Gilford was facing the road with their three year-old son in front of her. Anastasia bent down to pick up her son when she heard the sound of gunshots. The State prosecutor said Anastasia would tell the court that Cobus fell towards her during which she came face to face with the accused, Wendell Dubarry.

Anastasia was able to see Dubarry for at least ten seconds. The accused, according to Anastasia had a gun in his hand. Anastasia had known the accused for at least 14 years prior to that incident. Anastasia ran through a house and found Cobus on the steps to the back of that house. He was lying on the ground in a pool of blood. The woman ran to get help. According to State prosecutor Martin, Cobus was pronounced dead later that night. A post-mortem was conducted on Cobus’ body and the results showed that he died from a wound to the neck. Dubarry was later arrested and charged for murder. Two witnesses were called on the first day of hearing. Sterling Brown, brother of the deceased, identified Cobus’ body at the Forensic Science Centre. The other witness was PC Nigel Beddoe, police photographer, who took pictures of the crime scene. The State’s main witness is expected to testify today.


"Father killed in front son, 3"

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