Beetham man killed for speaking against ‘wrong’

CEPEP worker Dick McClean Warrick was executed yesterday morning because he spoke out strongly against injustice and wrong in his society. At least this is the belief of friends and relatives who could see no other reason for his death. Warrick, 48, a father of two was shot in his head outside his lamp-post 88, Phase V, Beetham Gardens, home around 1.30 pm. He managed to crawl inside the gateway, sit on a piece of blue tarpulin in the yard where he later collapsed and died. His granddaughter Janine Peters responding to the barking of dogs found his lifeless body five hours later.

According to reports neighbours heard three shots around 1.30 pm. “They could have crippled him, they shoot him just so, just so, why did they have to kill him?” asked his teary-eyed wife Eastlyn Warrick. “He hated advantage, he would not put water in his mouth but would confront whoever it was — old, young, male female, criminal, good citizen and I believe this is what he was killed for. “If he saw something wrong or knew somebody was to do something but they did not and somebody else had to do it, he spoke out.

The couple was married for 13 years. Warrick also sold LP gas as a part time business at home which was also the envy of some people. Another relative pointed to a recent incident where he confronted a resident who was stealing electricity that was causing a fluctuation of current in other homes, which she believed had caused some strain. In another altercation she had to report to police a former male companion of her daughter who had threatened Warrick. Police sources confirmed they are working on several theories but believed Warrick saw something that he should not have seen.


"Beetham man killed for speaking against ‘wrong’"

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