Take care of your character
“Reputation is what people think you are, character is what you are, take care of your character and your reputation will take care of itself,” was the message delivered to some 300 graduates of the El Dorado Secondary Compre-hensive School yesterday. Justice Annestine Sealey, in delivering the feature address urged the students that, in the journey to success, they should refrain from taking shortcuts since “nothing worth doing well can be achieved by shortcuts.”
She told them that they should never adopt the mentality that they know everything since that often leads to failure. “The difference between success and failure is the decision you make when you meet obstacles,” she admonished them. The ceremony highlighted the achievements of students academic and extra-curricular activities including basketball, cricket, football, swimming, track and field, steelpan and debating. The Principal’s Award for the most outstanding fifth form student was awarded to Aneivia Baksh. Baksh received prizes for Spanish, Mathematics, Biology, Principals of Accounts and Information Technology. Earline Alicia Phillips received the same award for being the most outstanding sixth form student. Receiving the Prime Minister’s Award for Innovation and Invention 2004 was Keturah Emilaire of Form Five.
"Take care of your character"