Fake ‘planner’ jailed for fraud
A man who had 14 previous convictions over the last ten years appeared in the First Magistrates’ Court yesterday to answer for larceny by trick, larceny of cash and fraud. The court heard that Keith King, 45, defrauded several people by falsely pretending to be an employee of Town and Country Planning. Reports are that on May 10, King defrauded Nicole Prescott of $1,000 and attempted to defraud Satish Ramkumar of $3,000. The accused told Ramkumar he was a building inspector and that Ramkumar was living in an illegal structure. King told Ramkumar he was in a position to adjust the records to show that the structure was legal on receiving the $3,000. An agreement was made for the money to be paid by cheque on July 11. When the accused failed to show, a check was made and Ramkumar discovered the defendant was not known to Town and Country Planning.
A report was made to the police and King was charged. Additionally, the defendant allegedly defrauded Randy Goolcharan and Angela Mattadeen of a total of $2,900 on June 2. The defendant pleaded guilty and was prosecuted by Acting Sgt Fernando. Charges were laid by PCs Seelochan and Daniel of the San Fernando Fraud Squad. When called on by Deputy Chief Magistrate Mark Wellington for an explanation for his actions, King replied, “Sir, I am asking that a system be put in place for follow-ups to be done when persons come out of prison, so that they would not resort to crime. It is difficult to get a job and as soon as pressure hit me I resort to these fraudulent activities to get money.” King was sentenced to 12 months on each charge. The sentences will run concurrently.
"Fake ‘planner’ jailed for fraud"