RHA plan provides relief at dispensary
There were fewer people waiting for medication yesterday at the dispensary of Port-of-Spain General Hospital as the North West Regional Health Authority’s plan to deal with the long wait by members of the public took effect. At 11.10 am yesterday, the numbers A1-52 were served. Two pharmacists were on duty, which resulted in more people being served. There was only one pharmacist on duty from Monday through Wednesday. In addition, two NWRHA officials were in the waiting area screening prescriptions and referring people to private pharmacies to access their medication through the Chronic Disease Assistance Programme (CDAP). When the guard began calling numbers from A52 onwards, only a few people responded. However, the wait was still long for some, like the man who arrived at the hospital at 7.30 am and got A94. A pensioner who got C18 said he came from Sangre Grande to get ointment for his eyes. He said he would have bought it at a private pharmacy if he had the money.
Health Minister John Rahael said attention was being given to eliminating the long wait at hospitals and health centres. He said there were 15 pharmacists on the payroll of PoSGH, but the Ministry has learnt that “on any given day the dispensary does not have more than 50 percent of them reporting for work. We have to look at what is the problem there and deal with that.” Rahael said patients had to be educated about CDAP. He said many of the medications for diseases such as hypertension and diabetes were covered by CDAP, and patients could go to one of over 200 pharmacies to access their medication at no cost. “They can go to their neighbourhood pharmacy, so there is no need for them to be waiting five hours at the Port-of-Spain pharmacy.” Rahael said the Ministry would ensure that clinics have a sufficient supply of CDAP forms. “There are areas I am told where patients go and don’t get the drugs or have to wait for long hours.”
"RHA plan provides relief at dispensary"