Changes in city traffic to ease congestion

THE TRAFFIC congestion in and around the city’s capital may soon be a thing of the past, as the Ministry of Works and Transport moves to make changes to ease the traffic clogs. Several suggestions were made to the Ministry which, according to officials, will be considered and discussed. In addition, surveys and public consultations will be conducted before a trial run of the suggested changes is put in place. The official also stated that during the trial period, another survey would be conducted to get  feedback from the general public experiencing the changes. They would be made official based on the feedback received. Some of the proposed changes which were identified in a letter to the editor by Lloyd Cartar are:

1. Making the Western Main Road and Tragarete Road from George Cabral Street to Green Corner, a one-way thoroughfare, with three lanes proceeding east. This will take traffic from Diego Martin and Carenage etc into the city centre via St Vincent Street and Edward Street, each to carry two lanes from north to south.

2. Converting Ariapita Avenue into four lanes heading west from Richmond Street to Belle Smythe Street. Richmond Street would then change to a north-bound carriageway, taking traffic from downtown to Ariapita Avenue and then west. These changes should do away with jam sessions on Green Corner and Edward Street.

3. In order to feed the Maraval area, the Ministry is thinking of converting French Street and Maraval Road into two lanes, one way, heading north from Ariapita Avenue, so that people from downtown can get to Maraval via Richmond Street, Ariapita Avenue and French Street/Maraval Road.

4. Maraval Road will not be able to handle all the northbound traffic so consideration is being given to making Colville Street one-way in two lanes north to Tragarete Road. The jam session on Colville Street and Ariapita Avenue should be considerably reduced. The Savannah and Wrightson Road will remain as is.

5. Widening of the westbound traffic on Wrightson Road to Colville Street is at an advanced stage of planning and will considerably ease the flow of vehicles from the east.


"Changes in city traffic to ease congestion"

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