Coterie of Social Workers is 85 years old

The competition is based on the history of the Coterie of Social Workers, the life and accomplishments of Audrey Layne Jeffers, the activities of the branches of the Coterie of Social Workers and the Constitution of the Coterie of Social Workers. The Essay competition is open to Forms one to three; and should not be less than 400 words; Poetry from forms four to five should be six stanzas or more; and posters for ages seven to 11 should be a minimum of 8.5” x 11” and not exceed 24” x 36”. Students should submit their entries by March 16 to the individual schools, which will select and submit the top entries to the Coterie.

Special prizes will be awarded the top school and most innovative/creative title. Individual prizes will be given to the first, second and third places in each category. Prizes will be distributed at a Gala Award Ceremony which will bring to a close the year of celebrations in April 2007.

Books and relevant material on the organisation can be found in the various libraries, and through Andrea Pinheiro at the Coterie on Longden Street, telephone No 625-3241.

Entrants will be penalised for plagiarism. The competition has been approved by the Ministry of Education.


"Coterie of Social Workers is 85 years old"

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