No voice of reason

Without apparent reference to anything going on in the world beyond our shores, we are blissfully creating our own destruction in a society which should be, an example to the world outside on how to live together and to manage our affairs. But we are totally absorbed in doing everything to ensure our collective failure and downfall. And we are doing this with an artificial and disgusting bravado, hurling insults and threats from every source in every direction. And those who cannot shout to add to the din are cheering on the antagonists, mostly through the sheltered havens of social media.

There is a growing ugliness in everything we do. Derision and scorn are poured upon every comment made. And this is not partisan in any way, it is all encompassing— this pouring of scorn upon politicians of every ilk, upon the business sector, upon the media, and upon everyone and everything. We may well argue that most, maybe all of the criticism is justified. And that may well be. But whose criticism can be considered as justified? And who decides what is fair, what is justified and what may be constructive criticism?

But one thing is common among all these derisive critics, notwithstanding their cause or their connections. Indeed, many do not have a cause. They spend their time scanning the news looking for misstatements, revelations of corruption and “bloopers” by people in the news. Upon discovering anything which may be juicy enough, threads with scores of derisive comments are spread, and lots of people who will never bestir themselves to confirm or deny or to take action away from their keyboards, suddenly become authorities on the morality of everyone.

And please do not list three or four names of persons whom we know are active in supporting the causes in which they believe. Those are lonely people in this land. And with good reason— there is a price to pay for speaking out meaningfully, and in taking causes to the streets. And it is not only the governments in power who bring pressure to bear on citizens who take up civil causes. The business community does not wish to be embarrassed by being seen as sympathetic to your causes, even when they meet you socially and tell you how brave you are and “we need more of you”. But you must understand that your cause will not be supported by them, and they will not speak publicly for you.

The macabre martyrdom of Dr Wayne Kublalsingh is a case a point. As he lies weaker every day, he receives the visitors, persons who come to be photographed with him, to tell him of their support. People who are literally cheering him on to his fate and who then go home to eat their dinner, and to appear in the media to praise Kublalsingh and condemn the Government and the thousands who want the highway to be built along the route selected by the PNM and followed by the current Government. Is there no voice of reason among you which can express that you are cheering this man on to his death while you make no sacrifice on his behalf? What is your cause—that he dies for this?

But what can we expect in a land where a major daily publishes as its banner headline the details of the Will of murdered attorney and respected public figure Dana Seetahal? I will say this: the outrage against that abuse seems to have been universal—an ember of hope for us maybe?

When, if at all, will reason begin to dawn upon us? And really, what are the differences, if any which keep driving us apart? There are no differing political philosophies among the Parties which joust for office. None can be defined a pro-labour or pro business, or conservative versus liberal.

They are all amalgams of wishy-washy people with vague programmes which cannot be differentiated from the manifestoes of other Parties. Nothing divides us but ourselves.

Our political parties have become akin to two groups of thugs on a sinking ship, each group pounding holes in the hull and shouting at the others to man the pumps. And these two groups of thugs, who finance and support terrorists and killers, are themselves financed by our very wealthy business community, who can find no reason, nor the courage to speak out against the destruction of our country.

From whence might came a voice of reason in all this noise?


"No voice of reason"

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