‘Man in the Bedroom’ in Valsayn

This play is the debut production of Encore Productions, which is led by Etienne who also wrote the script and is serving as producer. Th idea for A Man in the Bedroom came when Etienne and Fabien were chatting one day and they asked each other: “What if two roommates ended up in a situation where?”

Although Etienne and Fabien have shared the stage at countless comedy shows and corporate events over the years, they have never appeared in a local full-length play together. They did star in a production of Smile Orange in Grenada a couple years aback, but never did a play at home.

Making her debut in A Man in the Bedroom is, Cindy Ann Boisson who was specially selected by Etienne and Fabien to star alongside them and Hall in the production. Etienne said Boisson takes to the stage as it were second nature to her and she quickly morphed into character when rehearsals got on the way.

Encore Productions has been a longstanding dream of Etienne’s and in spite of the challenges to get things going he is looking forward to a bright future. Etienne even sold his car to ensure he will have the monies to pay the actors and crew in case of any shortfalls as far as corporate sponsorship or box office receipts are concerned.

“You have to make sacrifices if you are to enjoy success especially in theatre. I have sent out at least 80 letters to sponsors and thus far received very few responses. It is tough, but we are going to forge on to glory. The plan is to produce at least one major production each year and only doing original works. We are also hoping to take these productions on tour across the Caribbean. In fact, we already have a script ready for rehearsal as sson as we put this first one to bed,” Etienne said.


"‘Man in the Bedroom’ in Valsayn"

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