Labour Minister to meet disputing parties Tuesday

REPRESENTATIVES of the National Union of Government and Federated Workers (NUGFW) met with the Minister of Labour Anthony Roberts yesterday afternoon on the Carib “lock out” issue. Union officials declined to say what was discussed, except to say that a meeting has been scheduled for next Tuesday between the disputing parties and the Minister. The company is reported to have met with the Minister earlier this week.

In another development, violence again erupted outside the Carib compound at Champs Fleurs yesterday morning. Bottles and stones rained and  many of the protesters were forced to scamper away as did security personnel. One protester was arrested by police who earlier sought refuge with the melee in full eruption. The union charged assault on some of its workers by a company contractor. Last night, Roberts confirmed that he  met some of the workers and union representatives for about two hours to hear their side of the story.


"Labour Minister to meet disputing parties Tuesday"

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