Danielle Jones — Miss TT — places 5th in Miss Universe

Miss Trinidad and Tobago — Danielle Jones — last night placed fifth in the Miss Universe contest held in Quito, Ecuador. The title was won by Miss Australia. At first call, Jones was selected as one of the top 15 beauty finalists from a field of 80 contestants in the world. Later, after the evening gown parade, the name Danielle Jones Miss Trinidad and Tobago again figured among the top ten beauties.

In the final round following the swimsuit parade, the name Miss Trinidad and Tobago again figured among the top five beauties.
At question time for the final five contestants, Jones was asked a question which was submitted by Miss USA — and that was — “we tend to learn from our biggest mistakes; what are the lessons you learned from your failures.
Jones replied: “One thing I learned from, was when I hit my head on stage at my first fashion show. I learned from that, and here I am tonight before a big audience.”

The announcement of the final results revealed the following:
In fifth position — Miss Trinidad and Tobago.
Fourth position — Miss Paraguay
Third — Miss Puerto Rico
Second - Miss USA, and
First - Miss Australia.



"Danielle Jones — Miss TT — places 5th in Miss Universe"

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