TTUTA: Massive support for ‘Red Day’

THE Trinidad and Tobago Unified Teachers Association (TTUTA) yesterday reported massive support for its “Red Day” and prayer observance. President of the teachers union Trevor Oliver told Newsday a preliminary survey showed that at least 85 percent of teachers throughout the country heeded TTUTA’s call to wear red and hold 15-minute prayer sessions at schools. He said the survey showed that 91 per cent of the teachers in St Patrick participated, 90 percent in Caroni and Victoria, 87 percent in South Eastern, 85 percent in St George East and Port-of-Spain, 82 percent in Tobago and 76 percent in North Eastern.

Oliver reminded teachers of Monday’s day of rest and reflection. It is supposed to mark the start of the union’s increased protest action over the delay in negotiations for a new collective agreement for the period 2002-2005. The union was also expected to continue negotiations with the acting Chief Personnel Officer (CPO) yesterday, but Oliver said the meeting was postponed because acting CPO Narieman Hosein-Ahmad wanted to consult with her superiors on other possible offers to be made to teachers. Oliver said the union was viewing the matter “cautiously” rather than optimistically, and will await next week’s meeting to see what will be laid on the table. The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday.


"TTUTA: Massive support for ‘Red Day’"

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