Khan: ServisAir under tough scrutiny

WORKS and Transport Minister Franklyn Khan warned that ServisAir Limited’s operations at Piarco International Airport could be terminated if the Civil Aviation Authority of Trinidad and Tobago (CATT) finds that the company has breached airport security. Commenting on recent incidents involving ServisAir vehicles and aircraft at Piarco and ongoing investigations into those incidents at yesterday’s post-Cabinet news conference at Whitehall, the Minister said, “Once we feel that they (ServisAir) have put airport security at risk, we as a responsible administration will have to take action.

That has not come to fore as yet. We will communicate through BWIA what our recommendations are, and if it turns out to be that, then so be it. “I don’t want to say what we will do to ServisAir and BWIA because BWIA is accountable. They have the licence to operate aviation services from Civil Aviation and ServisAir is one rung below BWIA,” added Khan. He added because the size of the local market for airport services, “it may not call for replacing ServisAir, but demanding fundamental changes in the operations of ServisAir as it relates to its master contractor BWIA.”


"Khan: ServisAir under tough scrutiny"

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