Richards’ speech was excellent
PRIME MINISTER Patrick Manning has described President George Maxwell Richards’ inaugural speech as excellent.
Agreeing that Richards will be an independent President, Manning pointed out that the new President comes with an academic background “so I expect he will be very interested in education”. “Remember, he was the Principal of the St Augustine campus and was the Pro Vice Chancellor of the University of the West Indies.” Asked by the media about statements made by the President in his speech, Manning saw nothing wrong with it, saying that the Prime Minister must keep the President informed of what the Government was doing. “It is normal for Presidents to receive notes from Cabinet which they consider every Thursday morning. The President is an integral part of the governance of the country although his role is clearly demarcated in the Constitution. He can only play a role that the Constitution allows. He is an academic so you will see a flavouring of the Presidency.” Asked about former President Arthur NR Robinson, Manning said: “I told him he had done very well, his innings was a very good one, and he has every reason to retire as a proud man.”
"Richards’ speech was excellent"