Hindus prepare for Phagwa
HINDUS all over the world are preparing for the spring festival of Phagwa or Holi, which falls on the full moon night of the month of Phagun (March - April) in the Hindu Calendar.
The festival which was brought to Trinidad and Tobago by the indentured labourers 158 years ago has grown into one of the biggest Hindu festivals celebrated here. It draws crowds of children and adults to many of the public grounds and centres in the country. This year’s festival will be celebrated on Sunday, with children’s celebrations on Saturday. The main Hindu bodies, including the Maha Sabha, Hindu Prachaar Kendra, Divine Life Society and Swaha, will be hosting big celebration at recreation grounds throughout the country. Score of people gather at these venues to join in the throwing of the abeer (red liquid) and to enjoy the chowtal songs.
In addressing an audience at the home of Chanka Ramrattan in Southern Main Road Rousillac, recently, Pundit Munilal Maharaj spoke of the significance of Phagwa. He told the gathering that although the story associated with Phagwa celebrations took place more than 5,000 years ago, it is significant and can be applied to the way of life in today’s world. “When a man is given power, he misuses it for his own personal gain and this is why things go wrong in the world today,” he said. He said King Hiranyakasyapu was given great power by god so he could not be destroyed by any man. He went on to dominate the people of his kingdom saying that he was their god and they should do all worship unto him. “A lot of people are given the gift of intellectual ability. The ability to lead and direct an entire nation but instead they use this ability to use people for their own personal satisfaction and this is where they will be destroyed in the long run,” he said.
"Hindus prepare for Phagwa"