‘Silent cry’ from the womb
THE EDITOR: ASPIRE continues to knock at Government’s door hoping that someone would answer. Well the truth is that the whole nation is full of pro-lifers, it is part of our culture to value, protect and defend innocent life. Why do the pro-abortionists (advocates for legalising abortion) not let go of the issue?
We know that they need help and are comforted in the closing line of their very expensive advertisement where the plea is made as a closing statement. Actually that cry for help instantly made me think of the unborn baby’s desperate ‘silent cry’ from the womb, when they are being ripped out, piece by piece, from their mother’s womb. They all cry ‘We need your help’! Well, we are here to pray for the members of ASPIRE to see the truth of the value of human life, from conception to natural death.
Though they would not be provoked into a public dialogue with representatives from a country that lives in the detrimental consequences of legalised abortion, they were provoked enough to publish expensive ads. Those who attended the talks have all learnt and developed a strong commitment, that this evil of killing our children cannot be legally accepted in our country. The participants also learnt that in the USA, legalised abortion did not reduce the incidence of abortion, that there is no safe way of ripping a child out of a mother’s womb and in no way has it improved the living standards of poor women. They did ask though, what has this group ASPIRE done to improve the living standards of or to help, poor women? How much money from their sponsors IPPF has been invested in programmes like low cost housing, literacy courses, day care centres and access to basic education and medical care etc. Programmes to enable poor women to develop basic survival skills and trades?
The only people that benefit from abortion are men and the abortion corporate industry, of course (usually headed by men). Men enjoy the free sex, ie they don’t have the responsibility of caring for the women and the commitment that comes with fatherhood. Women are used as sex objects. Those women who are willing to make informed choices or anyone interested in women’s health, should read Women’s Health after Abortion — The Medical and Psychological Evidence by Elizabeth King-Cassidy and Ian Gentles. We have heard the myth that post abortion syndrome does not exist, take the right step and read, ask women who have had abortions and then we’ll see how much of a myth it is. Knowledge is power, unless we fear that what we read would teach us what we are not prepared to accept, this book is a must.
Petit Valley
"‘Silent cry’ from the womb"