Take a closer walk with God

THE EDITOR: I refer to Mr Ellis Maingot’s letter to the editor captioned “Was the apple really the forbidden fruit?” Newsday 10/3/03 Page 11.

The story of Adam and Eve can be viewed from two different angles. One, the story is a fable designed to tell a truth, that man at one time was in favour with God and walked closely with him but by an act of wilful disobedience he separated himself from God and following his own selfish desires blundered into unhappiness, suffering and death even as we are still doing in this 21st century. Two, the Bible faithfully records the story of Adam and Eve. If so the Bible speaks of “The tree of good and evil,” the fruit of which man was commanded not to eat but apart from that the name of that “fruit” has never been mentioned. Mr Maingot wonders if sex was really the forbidden fruit? No, Mr Maingot, sex is not the forbidden fruit because sex does not grow on trees.

Sex, for example, in all its manifestations, shacking up “straight lifestyles,” “alternative lifestyles,” and “other lifestyles” and sex as a pastime, a five-minute exercise, without love or a long term commitment is a sure sign of man’s disassociation from God. Look at the world today, we are tethering on the brink of an atomic holocaust and no one has any idea how to stop this slide towards the P&T. In 1939, Sir Winston Churchill, a former prime minister of Great Britain, when the nations of Europe were embroiled in a life and death struggle with Nazi Germany, likened the situation to a runaway train speeding through the night with the driver fast asleep and he asked the question “who will stop the clattering train”? We all have to get back with God or this planet is doomed.

New Yalta, Diego Martin


"Take a closer walk with God"

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