The utterings of Wade Mark
THE EDITOR: Wade Mark, now that he is out of office is beginning to wax about the constitution and parliament and says things like, and I quote, “It is a glorified version of the Crown Colony system with a Prime Minister who has total and absolute power ... A political dictatorship”, he goes on to say, “Our Parliament is a mockery of democracy and a rubber stamp. The lack of accountability by this administration is clear we have a wild animal gone mad in this country”.
It is politicians like Mark that bring more disrepute to the other politicians when they only see and voice these so called problems when they are not in control of the “parliament that is a mockery and a rubber stamp!” When the other ‘wild animal’ whose administration was overlooking the Piarco project, how much accountability was there? When that sneering ‘wild animal’ was urging his followers to “do them before they do us”, was also sued for libel and lost and who broke his oath of office by favouring his cronies in Telecom licences, what did Mark say then? Did he say anything about “accountability”, “dictatorship” or “wild animal”? Wade Mark and his ilk should really do this country a big favour by keeping quiet.
"The utterings of Wade Mark"