Tax money for small pleasures
THE EDITOR: Sir, for too many years our national interests are given second berth, with all preferences given to private interests, money being the key factor. An ongoing example is the non-TV broadcasting of the present Test series being played in the West Indies. Sir, this is a national game, it generates overwhelming interest in TT.
There have been thousands of voices clamouring for live broadcast of these games, but the caring government, the self-appointed father of the nation, the opposition, national groups, the Chamber etc all turn a deaf ear to the plight of the people. Sure enough this is a private enterprise, but it involves the public at large. Current expenditure is a vital part of the success of the series. This, we fully understand. The million dollar question is, “Why do we have a government?” It can be rightly argued that the WICB needs a filled Oval before any broadcast rights can be given. OK, then a good government should bargain with the WICB and the chosen TV station to reimburse any excess that arise. It is so stupid that all other territories can view the match, except the citizens of TT.
The salient point here is what good is my vote if the Government cannot accede to my wishes. Take some of my per capita income, or my taxes and make me comfortable. The age old question about Tobago residents and tourists, rural citizens, the bedridden, people under the poverty line, patients at hospitals, school children (budding national prospects), housewives etc, come into national focus. You find it politically correct to pump $114M into CEPEP, $300M into Caroni $116M into the BWIA family, and not a paltry $100,000 to keep your family happy, that is if you are really the aspiring “father” of the nation. Give the people what they need and they will give you what you need. The above accounts for almost one million people.
This is a case of being penny wise and pound foolish. This should apply to all national events. At my age, Sir, I cannot handle crowds any more; does this mean that I no longer count except at election’s time? The crime situation demands that people establish a personal family curfew, for their own protection because our safety cannot be guaranteed by the state. The Government must fully understand that articulate people do not spend money, they use money to service their needs and not their wants. Be my guest for the one-day series.
Lawrence Park
"Tax money for small pleasures"