A sight must soothe a restless soul
THE EDITOR: Valsayn Park has now become the victim of the unscrupulous “landscaping” done by the CEPEP programme in the name of environmental enhancement.
The effort made at Aruac Road, South Valsayn is poorly conceived and executed. We are reminded of Saddam’s mas grave and in our own environment the replica of the Garden of Rent seen in the crematorium compound. To compliment its function, there may be the likelihood of the construction of a columbarium for safe keeping of the urns and sacred ash. The CEPEP programme is commendable if only it is undertaken and supervised by landscape personnel trained to undertake this work of enhancing the environment. It is a specialist responsibility and should not be compromised for anything else that would not add to the enhancement of the surrounding.
There are many challenges to be overcome in the process of landscaping which the specialist would have us advised. Forms, features and forces relating to the site would have regards to the concept. The judicious use of material-plants, shrubs, rocks and water are perquisite necessary consideration and how they relate to each and all in achieving the final result. These elements are analysed by the specialists who are already sensitive to their use in giving shape to the planned development.
The zoning of towns, communities, and the projected alignment of highways, the sitting of industries and the orientation of simple structure in creating area of interest are all part of the undertaking that are necessary in giving meaning to an effort which we can relate to and be proud of in the final accomplishment. Landscaping is necessary and even desirable in an island where more than sea and sand are there to give relief to our restless soul and to our many foreign visitors pleasurable pastime.
Because of this and much more, landscaping much be undertaken seriously as it can have an abiding effect in our environment and life. What we observe in the name of landscaping should be revisited and revised. It is an insult to our sense of value and indeed our taste and in a university environment where there is a greater need for relaxation, reflection and relief of our future leaders, it must not be tolerated. Better result can be achieved by the use of specialist assisted by this same work force.
There is enough evidence around us to have us convinced that it will succeed. Residents of Evans Street, St Augustine in the vicinity of Hi-Lo Shopping Complex are apprehensive that the development of a landscaping project now in hand may be a follow-up of those already put in place throughout the country which are now of national concern. We wish that the Authority would understand our concern and put in place policies that would reflect a change in concept and indeed an environment we can proudly relate to.
Reg Chartered Architect
"A sight must soothe a restless soul"