Closure of post offices
THE EDITOR: TTPost in its quest to make a profit to fulfil its terms of condition of the management contract, is pushing the workers to their limits. We were supposed to enjoy the same terms and conditions but that is not the case.
TTPost is closing down post offices which affects the public, who have to go long distances to buy a stamp or post a letter. It also makes it more difficult for the senior citizen who has to cash the old aged pension cheques. The post office went into areas where the customer lived. Now these offices are being closed claiming that they are uneconomical to operate. They have failed to implement a pension plan within two years which is a requirement. They failed to do it. Postal workers were refused the right to remain in the public service in which they were originally employed. We were given the assurance that on the start-up of TTPost in July 1999, workers would get better benefits, also a subsidised medical plan. Three years and ten months have passed, no plan. Mr Minister, please investigate TTPost urgently.
"Closure of post offices"