TTEC in need of a reasonable increase
THE EDITOR: Does TTEC need increase? Fellow citizens, as I row my boat in turbulent waters delving and diving into the depths, researching the facts as they present themselves for scrutinisation and observation, may I kindly and most respectfully request your cooperation. Though it’s a fundamental and basic fact that water is a prime necessity of life, electricity is just as important. How come? Hereunder are some important factors worth taking into consideration. Without electricity not only total chaos, darkness and vandalism, but no life support machines, no dialysis machines for patients with kidney problems, no ECG machines for heart patients, without the radar system how could planes in the air and via the sea be controlled?
How could the computers operate, indicating the location of various storms, hurricanes and other natural disasters? How would customers get efficient services when some of their vehicles need repairs? Yes, I do know when TTEC is given an increase others may request the same. Fellow citizens, take this into consideration: How important will others increase be, when apart from the above mentioned, a hurricane destroyed your house and furnishings, as there was no electricity for the computers to warn us about possible storms and other natural disasters. Oh yes, please RIC, please, give TTEC a reasonable increase which they deserve. Your wisdom is of vital importance and fundamental requisite.
"TTEC in need of a reasonable increase"