A special day for steelpan

THE EDITOR: It seems that Mr David Abdulah has jumped to the conclusion that Gregory Aboud’s suggestion for a special day for Pan is some sinister plot to remove the steelbands from Carnival Monday and Tuesday. I really do not think that is what Mr Aboud has in mind since no one can stop steelbands from participating on Carnival days. Rather, his call for a special day where pan would be the featured instrument is something I discussed some years ago with the then president of Pan Trinbago, Owen Serrette, who at the time was very interested in the idea.

If you are a pan enthusiast and know what a steelband is supposed to sound like, you will understand what I mean. If I were a tourist in Trinidad for Carnival and hearing a steelband for the first time on the road, I would not be impressed. The idea of a Pan Day is in fact for the very reason of bringing pan back to its glory days. I am sure David remembers chipping to a full Panorama size steelband, feeling the rumble of the bass pans and the fullness of the music. When last did you get the opportunity to do that? Except maybe on the track at the semi-finals (too short). My observation on Carnival days is that after you’ve heard a couple of DJ’s or brass bands with their high volume sound reinforcement (getting louder every year) speakers, you can barely hear a steelband when it passes, even the players seem to be uninspired and rightly so.

Very few people seem to pay attention to their music. Notice the difference at the Panorama competitions where the music because of its fullness, moves the people and inspires the musicians. I would like to put on record the ideas I discussed with Mr Serrette some years ago. Use Carnival Sunday as the Pan Day, since very little happens on that day. Use the infrastructure already in place, Adam Smith Square and Victoria Square as judging points. Have the bands assemble at the bottom of Ariapita Avenue with their Panorama ensemble. (Many bands already have their pans in Port-of-Spain from Panorama finals).

Organise a competition with a non-calypso (bomb) at one venue and a calypso at the other. The bands and their sponsors can print T-shirts or even design costumes, which can be bought by persons who wish to jump or push pan with their favourite band. These are just some of the ideas that came up and I am sure it can be developed further with some thought and possibly grow into a wonderful day of dancing in the streets with our national instrument once again.



"A special day for steelpan"

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