Cockeyed Vision?

THE EDITOR: The present administration has so many things "in the pipeline" that they cannot obviously attend to the present ills of the nation. Pipeline across the Caribbean (I believe now stalled), a new Parliament — since Patrick needs a new office — and now we are hearing that he needs a new official residence (the present quarters cannot live up to his present social commitments apparently!) Certainly a change of perspective from one who was so happy in his "cosy" nook in south that he seemed in no hurry to avail himself of facilities provided free of cost in the capital until taken to task for incurring unnecessary expense on the taxpayers by having his meals ferried to south by police escort!

The eye in the sky platforms recently purchased as a means of controlling burgeoning crime have proven (as any fool could have told them) a useless waste of money since the height of the present buildings already obstructs their view — far less the promised multi-storey skyscrapers! Had they taken the time to consider where these are utilised elsewhere they would have placed it near the perimeter of the prison compound perhaps, since that is how it is usefully utilised in first world countries — guarding a perimetre fence. The blimp appears to be just so much hot air. Now we hear new plans for the Savannah with, expectedly, none for a new Carnival venue.

Actually, an underground shelter might be of some use as a hideout from the murderers, crooks and newly arisen bombers whom they are, as usual, unable to locate — blimp, eyes in the sky, new intelligence unit notwithstanding! Given the track record to date in tracking down the perpetrators of gruesome murders no one is expecting any meaningful results from ongoing investigations — one set of bomb evidence "blown away" by the chiefs and the other washed away by the elements! Some two years after formation (and questionable results) an already better paid new paramilitary unit is, we are not informed, to be regularised into a CIA type unit responsible to government officials rather than the chief of police.

The Minister of National Security has hastened to add that it will not (note) bear any resemblance to Eric Gairy’s infamous "Mongoose gang." He and his boss would be well advised to remember this promise given the fate of Mr Gairy (and Grenada) as a direct consequence of state utilisation of such a force — Trinis are not that tolerant, as a evidence by 1970, 1990 and the bloodless NAR coup of 1986.

In the interim, progressing to Vision 2020, we have squatters, resettled "temporarily" after their snacks were demolished by this "caring" Government, now following the trend of other disgusted citizens and some 18 months later taking to demonstrating and lighting refuse as a a means of highlighting their plight since that caring did not extend to basic hygienic requirements, roads or lights. In south again, mall vendors have received eviction notices for a complex which is to be constructed on a 2.4 acre plot to accommodate a library, shopping mall, parking facilities for 300 vehicles, and Government offices (not to be confused with the sporting one at Tarouba). Expense for the latter, however, will be justified in the event of a tsunami (read Julian Kenny in today’s Express!!).

Seems this administration is so focused on their grandiose plans that they cannot spare time to attend to the immediate and pressing ills of the nation. Therefore, be prepared for more killings (both by bandits and official peacekeepers), kidnappings, worsening traffic congestion, flooding and citizens living in squalor and despair. That is Vision 2020, with even the IMF cautioning against such profligate spending. Whilst Opposition leader, Manning was constrained to complain that he was experiencing difficulty meeting his personal commitment on their "cosy nook", Manning is victim to no such reluctance in impoverishing the taxpayers for the privilege of occupying living and working quarters which he perceives as a his due.

Vision 2020, with all its touted "corruption" was a whole lot better than that. Say what you will, the UNC achieved under a PM who could never be accused of seeking palatial residence or the nation’s Parliament as a an office — and a lot more were spared to enjoy it!! Clearly our PM has received far more than the 20/20 (2020) vision from his visit to his Cuban friends — nor has his pacemaker made him more considerate.




"Cockeyed Vision?"

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