Support our own!

THE EDITOR: I was tuned into the local television station a few nights ago where the announcer was interviewing a foreigner. It turns out that this foreigner was part of a foreign fireworks company that was responsible for the Independence Day show on Independence night. I cannot describe my surprise as I watched this foreigner speak about our Independence Day fireworks display. It is my understanding that we have a local fireworks company who conducted the show last year.

If we are truly an independent nation then why are we depending on foreigners to conduct a fireworks display, especially on such a symbolic day as Independence? This is the sort of attitude that has Trinidad and Tobago in the state that it is in.  We will never move forward as an independent nation if we do not embrace our people and their numerous talents and help build one another. Then we can truly be a great independent nation. Meanwhile we continue to think that the grass is greener on the other side, while looking down upon our own local talent who would have done, in this case, a far better job than what was delivered.

St James


"Support our own!"

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