Plaudits to Anne Hilton/Newsday

THE EDITOR: I, or should I say we, because I represent the membership of the Chaguaramas Military History and Aerospace Museum, would like to offer our sincerest congratulations to you, Newsday and Mrs Anne Hilton on the current series in the Sunday News day on World War Two.

We believe that this is without question the very first time that anyone, journalist or author, has ever come close to describing Trinidad in World War Two. It is not only superbly written, but also properly researched.

It proves, without a doubt, that the writer is more than a cut above the average journalist and is a tremendous asset to your newspaper. All previous accounts have been shallow, personalised and riddled with rumour and censored material. This one is special. We have received a large number of requests from abroad for original copies, most not being satisfied with internet versions. The same applies locally where there is a scramble for back issues.

We would be most grateful if you could convey our appreciation to Anne Hilton on a job well done and we look forward to the rest of the series.




Chaguaramas Military Museum


"Plaudits to Anne Hilton/Newsday"

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