THE EDITOR: On Sunday October 9, 2005 an extremely emotional catastrophe struck the population of Paramin. After 54 years of existence the annual Paramin harvest, our symbol of community love, generosity and friendship was suddenly and arbitrarily terminated.

While this was infuriating enough the real tragedy is the story of its downfall. In 1997 it was decided despite vociferous opposition and a comprehensive investigation conducted beforehand warning against it, it was decided by the parish priest and his aides to move the harvest festival to a sporting ground next to the new RC church.

Problem was the grounds were so poorly maintained dust or mud would always be a constant issue nevertheless the harvest was moved.

At first, luck was on our side, but then in 2001 the rains, which had hardly been an obstacle at the previous paved and sheltered site of the harvest, returned and for the next four years either completely washed out or left the grounds absolutely soggy and ruined, before the harvest even began.

This combined with high overhead costs and shortened operating time, has caused the death of an event so cherished not only by the people of Paramin, but our entire nation. But while the parish priest acknowledges the move has been detrimental, he blames the national crime situation for his decision.





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