We have left spiritual, moral moorings
The Editor:Everybody giving his or her verdict on the crime situation; however, neither Government nor social programmes can solve crime. Basdeo Panday was right when he said he could do nothing about the crime in this country because crime is neither a political problem nor a social one. Crime might affect politics or manifest itself socially, but it is a spiritual problem. Belief is what drives humans. For instance, if you believe stealing is wrong you would try your utmost not to steal. The only place you can go and be taught that you must love your neighbour as you love yourself, and to do unto others as you would like them to do unto you, is the Church. Murder, kidnaping, rapes — all these crimes stem from a lack of spiritual and moral values. However, the Church has failed the nation. The Church’s mandate is to go to the entire world and preach the Gospel, the Good News. What is the Gospel? — that Jesus Christ died and rose again to save sinners and that all have sinned and need a saviour. The Evangelical Church on a prosperity head, while the Roman Church has lost its credibility. Prosperity never saved a soul and never will. Likewise the RC Church cannot be against homosexuality and at the same time be hiding homosexual priests while paying thousands of dollars to victims to play it down. It is alleged that the Apostle Peter was the first pope. If so, the RC Church should look again at celibacy, because it is recorded in the Bible that Peter was married. Matthew 8:14 talks about the sick mother of Peter’s wife being healed by Jesus. This incident is also recorded in Mark 1:30-31. We have left our spiritual and moral moorings. That is why crime is out of control. SHERMA FYFE Port-of-Spain
"We have left spiritual, moral moorings"