Kick them out

THE EDITOR: In view of the amount of "Kuchoor" being created by Jack Warner, Gary Griffith, Gerald Yetming and their losing team of Progressive Candidates, following the UNC’s Internal Party Elections, the time has come for the New UNC Executive to take firm and decisive action against them before they destroy the Party and leak all of its Election Strategies to the PNM.

If they were not satisfied with the elections machinery put in place, why didn’t they recommend changes beforehand? If they were not satisfied with the appointment of Former Senate President Garnace Ramdial and his voluntary team of election officials, why didn’t they say so? If they were not satisfied with the format of the Ballot Paper being used, the various checks and balances put in place, including the appointment of Slate Scrutineers, or the system employed in checking votes at the various polling stations, the method of securing and transporting the ballot boxes to the Rienzi Complex, the tabulation of the preliminary results at the Rienzi Complex, the subsequent storage and custody of said boxes and keys at said venue, and the system of recounts upon application by various candidates, why didn’t these so-called learned and intelligent people — who not only want to assume control of the Party, but the reins of Government — make or recommend changes beforehand? If Jack Warner was out of the country, whose fault was it anyway? Wasn’t this the point Mr Panday was making?




"Kick them out"

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