Light a deya on nov 1

THE EDITOR: November 1 is Divali, and I am making an honest attempt to fraternalise every religious body and its followers to fully understand the natural concept of this auspicious day. There are many varied reasons given for the celebration, all coincide and are accepted. The philosophy surrounding this day is Divine and scientific in nature.

Its observance is really based on the celebration of the five elements given by God in order to create the mind and body of man. Within the last few years these elements are becoming overburdened, as modern man is wilfully destroying them, and Mother Nature’s responses are now being witnessed.

These elements are all being represented by the lighting of a single deya, as the person is inadvertently giving thanks to the Lord for these elements. It is the spiritual aspect of Thanksgiving Day.

These elements (positive and negative) are Earth (earthquakes, landslides, volcanoes) Water (Tsunamis, floods, excessive rainfall, drought), Fire (heat waves, massive bushfires), Air (Hurricanes, air pollution diseases), Ether (Ozone layer, melting ice caps, skin cancer). When man competes with nature, he must never compete to win (the Levees of New Orleans).

The deya (vessel) represents Mother Earth, and cannot be made from anything else but earth. The oil or fuel takes the place of water (Ganga Maata), the burning wick represents fire or the Sun (the sun can exist without the earth, but the earth cannot exist without the sun), the halo of light is the area of Air from which the oxygen is drawn and the entire lighted area represents Ether, Space and Infinity. So, in essence, lighting one deya is an acknowledgement of your effort to protect and live harmoniously with nature and the elements. A happy and conscious Divali.




"Light a deya on nov 1"

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