Where is the quality control?
THE EDITOR: As a taxpayer and a daily road user, I would like to publicly acknowledge the foresight of those in authority for the road maintenance work taking place presently along the Churchill Roosevelt Highway and Lady Young Road. However, the manner in which the work is being done and the inferior finished product makes me wonder if I should prepare for early General Elections. Who determines if the citizens are getting what they have paid for (a figure which is most times in the millions of dollars)? Where are the white lines? Where are the desperately needed reflectors along the unlit areas? I drove on both completed surfaces and they are extremely bumpy. Furthermore, I am of the opinion that the excessive area allotted as the emergency shoulder can be better used. Although in a time of plenty, as is obvious from the 2006 Budget, I am still a fond believer of "waste not want not." RICHARD LEE POY Arima
"Where is the quality control?"