Manning will be PM as long as Panday stays

THE EDITOR: I express my complete disgust in the recent internal elections recount in the UNC party. How can an unknown man name Vasant Bharath get over 226 votes in a recount?

What is worst is that when the new political leader Winston Dookeran tries to get a full scale investigation, the outgoing leader disbands the elections committee before an inquiry is held. As UNC supporter I truly believe that Patrick Manning will be Prime Minister so long as Basdeo Panday is in the UNC.

When will Mr Dookeran be allowed to run the affairs of the party? When will Mr Dookeran be given a free reign to become the Opposition leader?

The country is laughing at the UNC where there is a Leader of the Opposition and a Leader of the Party in Opposition.

Was it not Mr Panday and his sycophant team that had a campaign when they threw out Ramesh Maharaj years ago, that campaign is more relevant today in the case of Winston Dookeran — it says — UNC one Leader, One Party. Please Mr Panday think of the entire country and do the honourable thing, step aside, please.


San Fernando


"Manning will be PM as long as Panday stays"

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