Don’t stop Death March momentum
THE EDITOR: The members of the public who came out in support of the ‘‘Death March’’ against crime must be applauded. The large throng of people who converged on the capital city from every ethnic, religious, class and organisational group in the society manifested their deep concern for the spiralling crime situation. This momentum must not stop. As much as marching and showing concerns about crime in a civil manner is important, it is equally important that members on both sides of the Parliament recognise that the society is greater than their political aspirations. The parliamentarians have to ensure that the institutions that have been constituted to serve and protect: Police system and the Judiciary, are properly organised and managed so that they can function effectively and hence respond to the challenges that are beleaguering the society. Some members of the public have to stop seeing crime through ethnic lenses. The statistics may point out that most kidnap victims are mainly from one ethnic group but at the same time most of the wanton murders that are being committed everyday show victims of other ethnic groups. Hence, crime is affecting all members of the society. Therefore, it is important that the tribalisation of crime is exhumed from any attempt to deal properly with the issue. The population has an important role to play in dealing with crime in the society and this role must not be forfeited. The population must continue to apply pressure upon their parliamentary representatives to ensure that the will of the people is represented and this is done through the institutions in society: such as the police, judiciary, schools, hospitals, and Parliament. The march forward must not stop. People must utilise every civil manner available to ensure that their voices are heard and counted. ANAND RAMPERSAD California
"Don’t stop Death March momentum"