Lawyers for Jesus praise Manning
THE EDITOR: Lawyers for Jesus wish to join other voices in this nation in commending our Prime Minister, the Honourable Patrick Manning, on the principled position taken by his Government on the Draft National Gender Policy and Action Plan. We are pleased that the Honourable Prime Minister has clearly stated that there are certain recommendations in the draft document to which his Government does not and will not subscribe. We are also pleased to hear that the draft document is to be withdrawn from circulation. We believe that we are correct to assume that the Honourable Prime Minister’s statement during the budget speech is a clear indication to the people of Trinidad and Tobago that his government does not support or endorse proposals for the legalising of same sex unions and marriages, the re-defining of gender and of the family and the legalising of abortion. We are of the view that there are issues which concern both men and women in this nation and that there are areas for concern which impact particularly on the status of women and their quality of life. We wish to highlight the issues of poverty and women, equal opportunities for all women, women in rural societies, access to justice and domestic violence. We understand that women continue to suffer as victims of domestic violence and are in desperate need of a court system which will not victimise them all over again. The timely hearing of cases, the need for support services and an effective programme for treating with perpetrators of domestic violence are just some of the matters which require urgent attention. Lawyers for Jesus remain willing to participate in a process which will lead to a gender policy which fairly deals with the issues which affect the people of Trinidad and Tobago. Be assured we intend to remain vigilant. HYACINTH GRIFFITH Lawyers for Jesus Port-of-Spain
"Lawyers for Jesus praise Manning"