Call elections now

THE EDITOR: At least, Minister Rowley has succeeded in getting the Commission-er of Police to appear on TV to speak about crime and the Death March. He repeated, once more, the importance of the involvement of the public in the fight against crime. He, nor the Minister of National Security, ever speak about the responses of their officers at police stations. There is never a vehicle, they cannot spare an officer, they take reports on pieces of scrap paper, they do not give their names over the telephone, they say, “that is a family affair,” their tone of voice has an air of superiority, when they are questioned, they reply, “I is Police,” etc.

This attitude is not good enough, if you want the public to help. Crime stems from very small issues, like quarrels at home and with neighbours and children, drunkenness, unfaithfulness, petty theft, small scale drug use, etc. When these are ignored, and the water begins to boil, then it is too late, and the statistics increase. Crimestoppers are now doing a much better job than the police.   So Mr CoP, if you want the public to help, then get on with your job and ensure that your officers are humble, caring and approachable. Do not lock up a man and then go after his wife or daughter.

These officers amount for about ten percent of the service. Why don’t you discipline, or fire them? I know that your answer is bureaucracy, then the Government should get its house in order. When people talk about reform, this should apply to the entire Government service. In the private sector, you work according to rules and regulations or you are fired. Suspending someone with full pay is so obscene, stupid and outdated. Suspending union activities until the crime rate drops to an acceptable level, is much more effective than a State of Emergency.

A benevolent dictator must fight fire with fire. It is a fact that you have some corrupt officers, so before you tackle crime, tackle these officers, and very effectively. Why do you want the public to help, when you have so many reports about rogue officers, and you turn a blind eye. If you detect and treat breast cancer in its early stages, it prevents death of the body. This goes out to you, the Government, the CEOs, permanent secretaries, and all senior personnel, who find it fit to play politics with people’s lives. The bottom line is that the Government has lost its will to govern, and in so doing, a General Election must now be called, so as to renew its mandate. If you don’t, the situation will get worse, and you may have to resign unceremoniously. Please do the needful.



"Call elections now"

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