Foul-smelling water killing us

THE EDITOR: Many weeks have passed since I have complained about the clogged drain at Number 1 Riverside Road, Curepe.

When the rain falls, this filthy, black, foul-smelling water overflows into my downstairs apartment.

The rain ceases, the water recedes into the outlet drain running alongside my downstairs apartment keeping it filled to capacity. This water cannot run out to the main drain because the confluence there is too small and needs to be opened up and widened.

This permanent back-up of filthy water in this outlet drain has resulted in:

1. A massive infestation of flies in my home.

2. A foul odour permeating the air around my home at all times.

3. The garage area cannot be sanitised because of grime and muck left by the receding flood waters.

4. My infant nephew (one year four mths old) has fallen victim to the filthy condition existing and had to be treated by doctors of the St Augustine Private Hospital on Thursday November 3, 2005.

I am therefore requesting that, as a custodian of the public health, the Public Health inspector undertake a "site" visit to assess the misery and the stench of the inhospitable conditions that my family has been forced to endure for so long.




"Foul-smelling water killing us"

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