Traffic tsunami coming

THE EDITOR: It is now too late to correct the incredible traffic chaos on our roads and highways, and as a result, the prospect is for even worse chaos, with widening patches of collapse of transportation that would make six-hour delays both inevitable and normal. Forget the blather about a monorail.

By the time that arrives, if ever, transportation will long have perished in a traffic tsunami of staggering economic and social proportions that won’t go away. The odd road extensions or even older widenings can’t help.

Remember, it is the same political authority that in the sixties killed the idea of an overhead road from the Barataria roundabout to north of the Morvant Junction, that today, 40 years later still can’t solve that problem, or the tangles on the Churchill Roosevelt Highway.

The same political system refused to build an interchange over 30 years ago at the CR — Butler junction, favouring instead, a looping swamp road from Barataria to Guayamare.

That loop never materialised. The history of transportation failure had begun in earnest!

Nor does the recently proposed ‘interchange’ project, Valsayn offer anything but failure.

Determined to scuttle the Golden Arch idea at all costs, the authorities have come up with a fresh series of traffic lights and intersections that will offer only little alleviation to north-south traffic flows.

The crux is that the appropriate Ministry simply refuses to employ a third level! The answer — go back to the drawing boards and remove the intersections, that by definition are not supposed to be in that interchange.

But that can only be done with a third level.

Two levels will saddle us with the proposed monstrosity that puts political pride, ahead of the national interest.




"Traffic tsunami coming"

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