Good move, Mr Imbert

THE EDITOR: It is good to see Minister of Works, Colm Imbert taking a personal interest in the taxpayers’ money and is willing to take a drive on the Lady Young Road that a contractor was paid to repave and to have him do it right (repair it or not get paid).

But aren’t there quality assurance personnel from his ministry who, as part of their job, are supposed to be on top of these contractors and projects as they are being done, to ensure that the contractor’s work is up to par?

Why does it take letters to the editor from concerned readers to bring awareness to the minister or his technocrats to hold these contractors’ feet to the fire to do a proper job in resurfacing this or any other roadway?

I suggest (if this is not already the case) that the government write stipulations into their contracts on non or sub-standard performance by contractors.

It would allow for the government, through its agents, to inspect the quality and quantity of the work or other service provided, and if it does not meet specifications, then the contractor will not be paid.

Every contractor wants to be fully paid, so I am sure they will do a good job on the first go around, if they know they will be held to that standard.

This is one sure way to ensure that people do the job that they are being handsomely paid to do.

In the long run we need more people to speak out about government waste and abuse and write in the newspapers.

Maybe it will cause more ministers and technocrats (either through embarrassment or responsibility to duty) to get off their duffs, do their jobs and ensure that public funds are properly spent and the taxpayers are getting value for their dollar on these projects.




"Good move, Mr Imbert"

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