Bush, Blair should appear before ICJ
THE EDITOR: The Nuremberg trials in Germany 60 years ago represented Europe’s international Kangaroo Court "Justice" and at that time did set and continues to set dangerous precedents. There was no jurisprudential precedent at the time that permitted the Nazis to be brought before an ad hoc tribunal and clearly there was no principle of law that permitted the ‘allied’ forces to assume jurisdiction both in Germany and Japan to carry out trials for those persons accused of war crimes during the hostilities of World War II. The United States inter alia was foremost in the effort to "bring to justice" the accused Germans and Japanese yet today the same United States refuses to accept the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice, which incidentally was created with the approval of the majority of the members of the United Nations and those nations have accepted the jurisdiction of that International Court. That Kangaroo Court of yesteryear has now produced a bastard court in Iraq where Saddam Hussein is to be tried for war crimes. I hold no brief for Saddam Hussein nor do I condone the alleged atrocities committed by him or in his name or at his direction but that impending trial is nothing short of a travesty of justice and an immoral use of the law. Both George Bush and Tony Blair and their gang who were mainly responsible for the illegal invasion of a sovereign nation and used lies, deceit and misrepresentations to convince their citizens to be part of an invading force. They should be made to answer for their war crimes before the ICJ. Bush and Blair are responsible for the deaths of thousands of Iraqi citizens. Are these two leaders less blameworthy than the Nuremberg Nazis or Saddam and his generals? It appears that you can be as hypocritical, deceitful and unjust as you want to be as long as you are victorious in battle. But the war goes on. M HOTIN St James
"Bush, Blair should appear before ICJ"