Treat everyone fairly
THE EDITOR: It is fantastic that we got through to the World Cup. I feel so proud. But let us not get carried away by this success and be realistic and pragmatic with our oil windfall. The players have been financially and emotionally supported during their years of training and now have a good coach at last. We therefore expect some sort of feedback in return through their performance. We do not have to over-reward them when there are so many citizens who have worked so very hard to provide for their families, then have the fruits of their labour dashed when there are floods and landslides. They need help too. When are we going to do something concrete about the flooding, after so many promises and helicopter surveillance by ministers? Government should adequately compensate them for their losses. How could these unfortunate people celebrate our sporting successes when they are experiencing such misery. I feel that, being a national issue, the Government and Opposition should get together to decide on what incentive/reward to give to our successful sportsmen and sportswomen, keeping everything in perspective. Good luck to our team int he World Cup. ISRAEL JOSEPH Barataria
"Treat everyone fairly"