Private developers should provide basic appliances
THE EDITOR: After my short absence from TT, not only has the traffic situation declined to the extent that it has become unbearable, but the number of housing developments has increased, what used to be constituted as single dwelling lots, land is being developed with the intention of housing as many individuals as possible with very little thought as to whether the present infrastructure is so structured to deal with the number of users. The increase in housing by such organisations as the HDC is something that has to be applauded by the current Government as without this viable option many individuals would never have had an opportunity of owning a home, on the other hand the developers are clearly not providing an economic alternative, in my opinion it would certainly not adversely affect these private developers outfitting these homes with basic appliances as one can simply not conceive after spending so much money on the model home having to fork out more money on attempting to furnish with the basics. I am aware that at the date of writing this article that building materials have risen in price again, however, this still does not preclude that the pricing should be so high as to warrant holding the market to ransom. We all need somewhere to live and if this price increase is allowed to spiral out of control without the resultant increases in income, while at the same time remaining competitive in the global arena, then eventually we may end up in a more disadvantaged position than where we originally started. GEOFFREY LAUDAT Port-of-Spain
"Private developers should provide basic appliances"